Sunday, January 13, 2013

Johnson’s General Knowledge Course - World!

World @ JGKC!
1. Which is the smallest nation in the world?

A. Monaco. B. Vatican City C. Madagascar D. Singapore.

2. Which river New York City is on the banks of?
A. Mississippi B. Missouri C. Hudson D. Danube.

3. In which country ‘Neanderthal’ is located?
A. France  B. Poland  C. Germany D. Spain.

4. Where is the world’s largest ground-based astronomy project based?
A. USA B. Brazil C. Chile D. Germany.

5. Where is Chess born?
A. Russia B. China C. India D. America.

6. What is the BIGGEST carnivorous in history?
A. Vastatosaurus Rex  B. Ultrasaurus Rex C. Tyrannosaurus Rex D. Seismosaurus.

7. In which of the following countries Kobe is located?
A. South Korea B. Indonesia C. North Korea D. Japan.

8. Name of the Atom Bomb dropped on the city Nagasaki?
A. Little Boy B. Fat Man C. Short Man D. Tall Man.

9. What is Calvaria Major related to?
A. Rhinoceros Rex  B. Bird Dodo C. Fiji Islands D. Andes Mountain Ranges.

10. What of the following is Camp David?
A. Camp of the Biblical Character David  B. David Beckam’s Football Camp C. American President’s Summer Residence D. Concentration Camp Of Hitler.

11. In which continent Christianity is born?
A. America B. Asia C. Africa D. Europe.

12. What is called the ‘Living Fossil’?
A. Tortoise  B. Arctic Turn C. Tuatara D. Darwin’s Frog.

13. What is it that can live as a plant & a creature?
A. Amoeba B. Calvia C. Euglena D. Perpatia.

14. When was the Women’s Day celebrated for the first time?
A. 1911 March 19 B.  1917 March 11 C. 1921 March 8 D. 1975 March 8.

15. The first postal stamp of the world?
A. Penny Black B.US Postal Stamp C. French Postal Stamp D. Royal Blue.

16. Which one of the following countries is known as the Kashmir Of Europe?
A. Ireland B. Switzerland C. France D. Sweden.

17. What is known as the Emerald Island?    
A. Ireland  B. Bahrain C. Madagascar D. Cuba.

18. What is the Third Reich related to?       
A. Hitler B. Mussolini C. Tsar  D. Japan.

19. The country which produces most of the gold in the world?    
A. India B. USA C. South Africa D. Egypt.

20. The BIGGEST country in the world?    
A. USA  B. Russia C. China D. Canada.

21. Which is called the Land Of Rainbows?    
A. South Africa B. Switzerland C. France D. Norway.

22. Which is the second smallest nation in the world?
A. Monaco B. Vatican City C. Madagascar D. Singapore.

23. The  BIGGEST island in the world?    
A. Indonesia B. Greenland C. Australia D. Madagascar.

24. The new name of Formosa Islands?     
A. Hawaii B. Madagascar C. Taiwan D. Philippines.

25. What was known as the Dutch East Indies?     
A. Malaysia B. Indonesia C. Vietnam D. Cambodia.

26. The first National Park in the world?    
A. Yellow Stone National Park B. Jim Corbett National Park C. Sahara National Park D. National Park of London.

27. The  BIGGEST lake in the world?    
A. Lake Superior B. Black Sea C. Caspian Sea D. Baltic Sea.

28. On which river’s banks is Paris located?    
A. Seine B. Rhine C. Rhone D. Loire.

29. What is known as Eritrean Sea?    
A. Dead Sea B. Black Sea C. White Sea D. Red Sea.

30. What is Calvaria Major?    
A. Bird B. Animal C. Tree D. Insect.

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